AFILE HALF-ROUND BASTARD FILE is a multi-purpose file suitable for round holes or flat edges. It is the perfect combination of a flat file and a round file and can be used for the purposes that both those files are used for. The sharp angle that forms where the round and the flat edge connects can be used for the same purpose as a three-square file.
- Suitable for both flat and concave surfaces.
- Ideal for de-scaling pipes.
- Round side can be used to file curved grooves.
- Versatile and multi-purpose.
- Can fulfill the basic functions of flat files, round files, and three-square files.
- Their unique shape makes them perfect for filing on the inside of curves.
- The file tapers towards the point in thickness and width. This allows them to enter small spaces and openings.
For different filing, techniques check out our blog article at the following link:
- Store files carefully. Files are designed with a lot of carbon so that they can be resistant to wear and tear. It makes them weak however to sudden shocks so throwing them into a drawer might make them break or snap.
- Files should be stored in such a way that they do not come into contact with each other. Because they are designed to wear away at materials as strong as metal, they can cause damage to each other. The ideal is to hang them up on a rack or at least store them in a container with dividers.
- Store your files in a dry place because they are prone to rust.
- To keep the teeth of the file in good shape for longer it is recommended that you should not apply pressure on the pull stroke but only on the push stroke.
- Debris stuck to the file will pre-maturely blunt the teeth of the file. Debris can be cleaned off using a file card brush. To prevent excessive debris from getting stuck onto the teeth of the file it is recommended to rub the file with chalk before use.
- Size: Available in sizes of 200 mm, 250 mm and 300 mm
- Shape: Edges tapers towards the point. Semi-circular cross-section.
- Cut: Double cut and single cut.
- Before using ensure that the file is in good condition and do not use a file without a handle.
- Use both hands when filing gripping the handle in one hand and the toe in the other hand.
- Wear suitable eye protection when filing.
- Don’t file with greasy or oily hands because your hands might slip.
- When filing a small workpiece, it is recommended that the workpiece be placed in a vice or clamp (for example Aftool G Clamp).
- Do not carry files in your pockets.
- Do not place the file hanging off the edge of the workbench.
- Do not use a file as a pry or hammer as it is not designed for this and may break or shatter.